Monday, September 7, 2009

My Learning Style

After taking the quiz online and getting my result, I have decided to throw them out the window for this assignment for I believe that my style of learning is not one of the options, but all of them. I draw from each one, taking the ones that help me and then I discard the rest because if a part of any method doesn’t help you in understanding, then it is hindering you and stopping you from reaching your full potential as a student, teacher, parent or any other profession in the world.

The first two, visual and audio learning I feel are one and the same, at least for me. . I need to hear it as I need to see it, so I find it hard to differentiate between the two, because in order for me to learn effectively I need to see the teacher do the problem at least once and hear his/her explanation of why he/she did this or that, without one of those two aspects, I get pretty lost in my inability to understand and wallow in self pity. Not pretty, but all true, and so I am not afraid to admit it.

The last part of the way I learn, which is learning by doing. This is the most important part of my mind’s way of learning new information as it probably makes up 50 to 60% of my ability to understand new thoughts and ideas. After I have heard the teacher’s explanation and after I have seen an example solved I must get my hands on it in order to completely archive it away in my brain as a learned subject. If there is no opportunity to work it out, the idea stays up in my brain as a fractured idea that continually confuses me and halts my progress at times,. For me this is the final step in comprehension.

This is how I learn, not with one method but a hybrid of all three. Perhaps it is immature of me not to grab on to just one and perfect it, but would you sign a business contract without first going over it with fine toothed comb form all possible angles? That is how I choose to view incoming information, small business opportunities that must be examined with all senses and possible tool before carefully filing them away into my memory banks, and if that is immature, then I’ll be immature forever.

1 comment:

  1. I think I am a "hybrid-learner" too, Jordan. A little of all the approaches is necessary for me to really take something in and make it my own. This opens up a few questions about learning styles assessments. Are they necessary? Useful? Over-simplified?

    By the way, where are your other blog entries and your links to classmates' blogs?
